Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami

Aired 2011-12. Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami Presented by the National Council of Churches USA; Produced by the Presbyterian ChurchUSA

'Kepulihan: Stories from the Tsunami' chronicles the struggles and triumphs of three survivors -- Yadi, Mahmud, and Damai -- as they rebuild their communities and reclaim their lives. Each survivor chose to be part of this project and actively participated in the process of production and documentation. As the filmmakers returned to Sumatra each year, survivors were able to view their interviews and stories from the previous year, reflect upon where they had been and share new stories in the time line of their recovery. The result is a unique time-lapse documentary that captures the healing and transformation of each individual, while leveraging the power of story to the survivors. They remind us that life does not end with each disaster but continues to be reclaimed with each day.

DVDs are available from 800-524-2612 or visit our website: