Yearning to Belong

Aired 2007-08. Produced by Diva CommunicationsPresented by The New York Board of Rabbis

In a remote area of Uganda, five hours from Kampala, the Abayudaya tribe began practicing Judaism in 1919.  They did not see themselves as any “lost tribe.” Rather they saw themselves as newly connected believers. Almost 90 years later, in 2002, their desire to be accepted into the larger Jewish community was partially achieved when a group of rabbis flew to Uganda to conduct the formal conversion ceremony required to be recognized as a Jew. Partially achieved, because today, the Abayudaya have been embraced by the Conservative and Reform movements of Judaism, but not the Orthodox.  Interviews with New York Board of Rabbis’ Executive Vice President and Religion-on-the-Line Radio Host Rabbi Joseph Potasnik and Hebrew Union College President David Ellenson are included.

Diva Communications- 212 397-7259 To purchase a DVD copy